
Reincarnation * Reencarnação * reencarnación * réincarnation

"I died from the mineral and became a plant;
I died from the plant and reappeared in a animal;
I died from the animal and became a man.
Wherefore then should I fear?
When did I grow less by dying?
Next time I shall die from a man,
That I may grow the wings of angels.
From the angel, too must seek advance;
All things shall perish save His face.
Once more shall I wing my way above the angels;
I shall become that which entereth not the imaginations.
Then let me become naught, for the harp string crieth unto me,verily unto Him do we return."
Rumi (Sufi Mystic Poet)

1 comment:

  1. Favoritado!
    Mal posso esperar para conhecer as tuas aventuras. Toda a minha energia positiva para ti e para a tua busca.
    Recebe aquele abraço.
