
Chakras * Anahata

Element: Air
Location: At the level of the heart, in the center of the chest.
Association: Manomaya kosha, controlling the emotions.
Pranic field: Prana, the ascending force that controls the heart and lungs.
Psychological: The hear center is the seat of divine love. It is here that emotion is rechannelled into devotion. Vishnu granti, the second psychic not, representing bondage of emotional attachment, is located here. When this knot is opened, one becomes free of all selfishness, egoistic and emotional attachment, and thereby attains mental and emotional control, equilibrium and peace.
Beeja mantra: Yam.

Anahata means "unstruck" or "unbeaten". This chakra is the seat of anahata nada, the most subtle cosmic sound which is experienced only in the highest state of meditation. This sound is said to be unstruck because it is not caused by any external friction, nor can be heard by the ears, mind or even by the phsyche. It is a transcendental sound which can only be perceived by pure consciousness.
Being the heart center, anahata is responsible for the awakening of refined emotions which are characterized by feelings of universal love.
A person with a developed anahata is generally very sensitive to the feelings of others, and the sense of touch is highly developed. These people have power to heal others either by touch or by radiating energy. Many people who performed miraculous healing, do so through the agency of anahata. This are the kind of people that gives strong hugs, and in woman's, they can have more full breasts and big chest. Normally, they are happy energy people with a sense of love, compassion, understanding and patience. From this chakra is where all the forgiveness steps come.

It is at this level that we become free of fate and begin to control our own destiny. Hence, ate anahata we find the symbol of the kalpa taru, or the wish-fulfilling tree. When this tree starts to fructify, whatever we think or wish comes true.

Text adapted from the book Prana Pranayama, Prana Vidya, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, and "i to I" from Prasanna Balakrishan.

Images from the Google Images.

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