Element: Water
At the base of the spine at the
level of the coccyx and pubic bone.
Pranamaya kosha
(vital or pranic body), and corresponds to the reproductive and
urinary systems.
field: Apana
vayu (sub prana moving downwards from the navel the perineo in the lower abdominal region
responsible for elimination and reproduction).
Is associated with the subconscious mind and, therefore, with drowsiness and sleep.
the 3 gunas, swadisthana is influenced by Tamas, lethargy, dullness and ignorance.
prana activates swadisthana it can increase the desire for pleasure, especially in the form of food and sex. These desires can be an
obstacle to the awakening of prana, if we become obsessed by them. We
need to develop our willpower in order to pass through this center.
mantra: Vam.
Devata: Om
Brahmagrandhivibhedinyai Namaha.
Swadhisthana, which means "one's" own dwelling place or abode, is the
second chakra. It is located very near to mooladhara and is also
involved and responsible for awakening of prana shakti.
is considered to be the substrata for individual existence as it is
the storehouse of all the latent samskaras and impressions.
Therefore, it initially forms a kind of a karmic block which makes
it difficult for the awakened prana to pass through this area.
is also the point of creation. Can generate a new life, or a new
project. It is the force of creativity. When we are able to have a
balanced life in a relation ship and sexually, were no to much energy
is wasted on sex or the relation ship, we will experience the opening
of the spring. From this magic sprint the water of divine creativity
will express trough any artistic skill that we may have.
adapted from the books "Prana Pranayama, Prana Vidya",
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, and "i to I" from Prasanna
from the Google Images.
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