
Chakras * Mooladhara

Element: Earth
Location: In men is at the perinium, midway between the genital organ and the anus. In womanit is located at the posterior side of the cervix, midway between the vagina and the uterus.
Associassion: Annamaya kosha, the blissfull body.
Beeja mantra: Lam.
Pranic field: It is related to apana vayu, the downward flowing force wich is responsible for the excretion of urine, faeces, wind, the ejaculation of semen, the force that pushes the baby out of the womb.
Psychological: Is associated with the uncounscious mind where the most primitive and deep-rooted instincts and fears lie. It is therefore the gateway to heaven as well to hell. To the lower as well to the higher life. It is from here that we can stay attached to vicious, tobaco, drugs, alcool, food, sex...etc. Or that we can release our selfs from fisical attachements and vicious.
Of the 3 gunas, swadisthana is influenced by Tamas, letargy, dullness and ignorance.

Mooladhara is the lowest or root chakra. It is the seat of primal energy, kundalini shakti. The concept of mooladhara is understood as the transcendental basis of physical nature, is responsible for everything that manifests in the world of name and form. Here in this chakra is the generating station of prana or energy.
The awakening of prana starts from mooladhara and ascends the spinal cord via pingala nadi. Pingala is merely the chanel, the energetic line. The energy comes from mooladhara. Mooladhara is also the direct switch for awakening ajna chakra, the six chakra located in the midle of the eye brows. Without the awakening of prana (energy) in mooladhara there can be no corresponding awakening in ajna. Mooladhara is the generator and ajna the distributor.
Here, there is a point which in Sanskrit is known as Brahma granthi, the knot of Brahma. As long as this knot remais intact, the energy located in this area is blocked. The moment the knot is undone prana shakti (the feminine energy) awakens. Infinite energy and spiritual experience emanate from mooladhara.

Text adapted from the books "Prana Pranayama, Prana Vidya", Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, and "i to I" from Prasanna Balakrishan.

Images from the Google Images.

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