Texto com versao em Portugues seguida da
versao em Ingles
To all parents and couples, and all the
people who deal with baby's and children:
We have in our hands the next
generation of this planet.
In our hands, we shape the clay where
future couples, fathers, mothers, professionals and leaders, the next
generation that will end with the old, antiquated and aristocratic
standards of disharmonious relationships in dysfunctional homes.
It touches to all of us, as parents,
the ability to work with honesty our differences interiors and
exteriors, in the couple for the sake of harmony in the home where
our children grow up. If they know that the mother and / or father
are actively present and in harmony as a couple in the Home where you
can breathe peace, love and emotional stability, makes them feel safe
and that "All is well in their world."
If we give proper support in Love,
Loving Education and not repressive, (explaining the whys
of the Not do something and being patient with their little
accidents), Quality Time, support in developing them and give
them adequate physical and mental stimulation, basic care
(eating, dressing, keep them clean and maintained) a Harmonious
Home created by a couple, Freedom of action and expression
(and not a repressive attitude that castrates them at birth), among
other factors...
...Imagine ... and stop to think about:
What they will be when become
How much these children can expand
and develop their own innate abilities?
Many adults never in all their life's,
gets to touch that unique spark of creativity that lies in each one
of us, because of a repressive education with castrating parents that
never knew how to go over their own childhoods and enhance the
qualities and abilities of their children, who are now our
Over the last
years I have worked in psychotherapy and spiritual counseling in the
area of Life Coach, and in my own experience and observation of
family and friends and society, watching many of us were raised in
homes with parents who were dysfunctional as a couple, were it was
absent a circle of union and love, and as such both scored in
childhood and shaped our beliefs and our behavior patterns in adults,
face the areas of relationship with us, with others, work, money,
prosperity, success and health.
Also they, our parents, more than us,
were created in austere homes with zero amount of love and harmony
and many of them with physical violence. If you stop to think about
it, we can give ourselves as fortunate for everything they have given
and done for us, that was much more than they ever had. Knowing this,
we now can understand and feel compassion for their own childhoods
and forgiving them without resentment, getting us free from all these
Past experiences.
Compete to all of us, Today, being
responsible for our lives instead of poor victim's, taking out our
own responsibility per our actions and reality, putting the blame on
others or in our childhoods. Every one of us have the Power to
Change, changing our patterns and negative beliefs derived from
dysfunctional childhoods in homes with parents who do not know how to
do better.
So when we are predisposed to have the
Courage to look within and work out us from the inside, only
then, the reality of our days will start to change.
Only when We change internally,
everyone and everything around us will change.
So, it is possible that even in an
apparent difficult relationship, things change and become a truly
loving relationship of union and harmony.
When we have children, and if we have
not done it before, we have the obligation and responsibility to work
out us Internally, with the final and ultimate goal of having happy
children growing up under the roofs of homes that now we rule.
Its very easy to just jump out of the
relationship to don't see our own defects.
The difficult task is to Stay and work
out ourselves and the relationship.
Everyone who have children or live with
children present in their lives, stop to think about this:
What Future Generation you want to help
build up?
What future couples, parents,
professionals you want to live and take care of this Planet for the
future generations?
This happening NOW.
It is in Your hands, here and now, the
clay that you will shape the future generation.
My daughter Divya one year and eight
months, at the evening enjoy watching videos of children with music
and dance for her self sing and dance. My partner found this video
yesterday that I share here, and in the end, to both of us came tears
to our eyes, something have touched inside of us.
This 3 year old boy, lives obviously in
a home filled with love and surrounded by family members who actively
encourage his empowerment talents and mental sharpness.
I suggest each of you, who felt to read
this text until the end, some moments of reflection on this subject.
Grateful for your time.
Portuguese Version
A todos os Pais, Maes e Casais, e todas
as pessoas que lidam com bebes e criancas:
Temos nas nossas maos a proxima
geracao deste Planeta.
Nas nossas maos, o barro onde vamos
moldar os casais, pais, maes, profissionais e governantes, a proxima
"fornada" que terminara com os velhos e antiquados padroes
aristocraticos de relacionamentos desarmoniosos em lares
Compte-nos a nos, em primeiro lugar
como pais, sermos aptos a trabalhar-mos com honestidade as nossas
diferencas interiores, e exteriores, no casal em prol da harmonia no
Lar onde os nossos filhos crescem. Saberem que teem a mae e/ou o pai
activamente presentes e em harmonia como casal num Lar onde se
respira paz, amor e estabilidade emocional, fa-los sentir seguros e
que "Tudo esta bem no seu Mundo".
Se dermos o suporte adequado em Amor,
Educacao Amorosa e nao repressora, (explicando os porques
do Nao fazer algo e sendo paciente com os seus pequenos
acidentes), Tempo de Qualidade, Suporte em
desenvolve-los e dar-lhes a adequada estimulacao fisica e mental,
Cuidados Basicos (comer,
vestir, mante-los limpos e cuidados), um Lar Harmonioso
criado por um Casal
Unido, Liberdade de accao e
expressao ( e nao uma atitude repressora que os castra logo a
nascenca), entre outros factores.
parem para pensar:
adultos se tornarao?
estas criancas poderao expandir e desenvolver as suas proprias inatas
adultos nunca, em toda a sua vida, chega a tocar aquela fagulha de
criatividade unica e presente em cada um de nos, devido a uma
educacao repressora de pais castradores que nunca souberam
ultrapassar as suas proprias infancias e potenciar as qualidades e
capacidades dos seus filhos, que sao agora a nossa geracao.
longo dos ultimos anos em que trabalho em psicoterapia e
aconselhamento espiritual na area de Life Coach, e na minha propria
experiencia e observacao de familia e amigos da minha geracao,
observo como ainda muitos de nos fomos criados em lares disfucionais
com pais que como casal estavam desajustados no seu circulo de uniao
e amor, e como essa infancia tanto nos marcou e moldou as nossas
crencas e os nossos padroes comportamentais, em adultos, face as
areas de relacoes conosco proprios e com os outros, ao trabalho,
dinheiro, prosperidade, sucesso e saude.
eles, nossos pais, muito mais que nos, foram criados e lares
austeros, com quantidade zero de amor e harmonia e na sua grande
maioria, com violencia fisica. Se pensarmos bem, podemos dar-nos como
afortunados por tudo o que nos deram e fizeram por nos que foi muito
mais do que algum dia eles tiveram. Pois entao, que saibamos
compreender, sentir compaixao pelas suas proprias infancias e
sem ressentimento, libertando-nos de todas essas eperiencias do
a nos, Hoge, sermos Responsaveis pelas nossas vidas em vez de pobres
victimas, desesresponsabilizando-nos pels nossas accoes colocando as
culpas em outrem ou nas nossas infancias. A cada um de nos aufere-nos
o Poder de Mudar, alterando os nossos padroes e crencas negativas
oriundas de infancias em lares disfuncionais com pais que nao
souberam fazer melhor.
quando nos predispomos a termos Coragem de
olhar para dentro e trabalhar-mo-nos de dentro para fora, e que a
Realidade dos nossos dias ira comecar a mudar.
quando Mudamos Internamente,
e que TUDO e TODOS a nossa volta mudara.
modo, e possivel que ainda numa aparente relacao dificil, as coisas
mudem e se torne uma relacao verdadeiramente amorosa, de uniao e
termos filhos, e se ainda nao o fizemos antes, por eles temos a
Respnsabilidade e Obrigacao de nos Trabalharmos Internamente, com o
final e supremo objectivo de termos criancas
felizes que crescem
sobre os tectos dos lares que hoje governamos.
todos aqueles que teem filhos ou criancas presentes nas suas vidas,
parem para pensar:
futura geracao querem ajudar a construir?
futuros casais, pais, profissionais querem que vivam e cuidem deste
Planeta nas geracoes futuras?
a acontecer AGORA.
nas vossas maos, aqui e agora o barro com que vao moldar a proxima
fornada a futura geracao.
minha filha Divya com um ano e oito meses, a noite gosta de ver
videos de criancas com musica e danca para ela propria cantar e
dancar. O meu companheiro ontem encontrou este video que partilho
aqui, e que no final, aos dois, nos vieram as lagrimas aos olhos por
ter tocado algo dentro de nos.
menino de 3 anos, vive, obviamente num lar repleto de amor e rodeado
por familiares que o estimulam activamente no potenciamento dos seus
dons e discernimento mental.
a cada um de vos, que sentiu de ler este texto ate ao fim, uns
momentos de reflexao acerca deste tema.
pelo vosso tempo.
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