Manas, the mind.
Text adapted from the books "Prana Pranayama, Prana Vidya", Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, and "i to I" from Prasanna Balakrishan.
Located at the eyebrow center. At the top of the spinal cord, in the mid brain.
Vijnanamaya kosha, initiates mental development. Pineal gland.
field: Vyana Vaya, the all
pervasive force.
mantra: Om.
Devata: Om
Ajnachakrantharalasthayai Namaha.
literally means "command or monitoring center". It is also
known as the guru chakra. It is the point of confluence where the
three main nadis (energetic lines), Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, merge
into one stream of consciousness and flow up to sahasrara.
deep meditation, when all the senses have been withdraw and one
enters into the state of shoonya, the void, the guru then guides the
aspirant from ajna to sahasrara by issuing commands through this
is also known as the third eye, the eye of Shiva, or the eye of
intuition, which gazes inward, rather that outward. It is also called
divya chakshu, the divine eye, or jnana chakshu, the eye of wisdom,
because it is thought this center that the spiritual aspirant
receives revelation and insight into the underlying nature of
existence.It is the level at which direct mind to mind communication takes place. The called Telepathy. And the doorway through which one
enters the psychic or astral dimension.
the center of the mind, ajna chakra represents a higher level of awareness.
ajna is developed, we begin to acquire psychic powers. Therefore, it
is said to resemble a knot which is called Rudra granthi, the knot of
Shiva. This knot is symbolic to the attachment to one's psychic
personality and to the siddhis which accompany the awakening of ajna
chakra. It effectively blocks our spiritual evolution until attachment to psychic phenomena is overcome, and the knot is freed.
This means the ego been to much prouwd of ones powers attain in this
level of the evolution of the chakras.
trigger point of ajna, located t the eye brow center, is known as
bhrumadhya. This is an important focal point for the practices of
meditation, concentration and visualization.
success in prana vidya, the development of ajna chakra is very
important. Unless it is developed to some extend, prana can never b
experienced in the form of light. The vision of light is usually
first seen at ajna or bhrumadhya, or in chidakasha, the space of consciousness which is directly connected with ajna.
the practice of prana vidya, ajna acts as the control center for the distribution of prana. If the vision of light at ajna is well
developed, one will have no difficulty in visualizing the raising of
prana and its movement throughout the body.
Text adapted from the books "Prana Pranayama, Prana Vidya", Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, and "i to I" from Prasanna Balakrishan.
from the Google Images.
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