
The Laws of the Tao - 3 - Tranquilizing the people * As Leis do Tao 3 Tranquilizar o povo * Las leyes del Tao 3 tranquilizar a la gente * Les lois du Tao 3 calmer la population

Not glorifying the virtues of individual
prevent people fight for abundance.

Not valuing wealth,
prevent people from stealing.

Ignoring the desirable
avoid the dispersion of the mind.

So the wisest way to rule is:
not to give too much importance to yourself
or try to overestimate your spirit and virtue;
avoid the excessive pride of their capacities
disproportionate efforts or try to improve.

Let people free of desire and knowledge,
to avoid the pitfalls inherent knowledge.

Governai not doing anything,
and everything is as it should be.

Não glorificando as virtudes individuais,
impedimos que as pessoas lutem pela abundância.

Não valorizando a riqueza,
impedimos que as pessoas roubem.
Ignorando o desejável,
evitamos a dispersão da mente.

Assim, a forma mais sábia de governar é:
não dar demasiada importância a si mesmo
ou tentar sobrevalorizar o seu espírito e virtude;
evitar o orgulho excessivo das suas capacidades
ou tentar fazer esforços desmedidos para se melhorar.

Deixai as pessoas livres do desejo e do saber,
para evitar as armadilhas inerentes ao conhecimento.

Governai sem nada fazer,
e tudo será como deveria ser.

Not glorifying the virtues of individual
prevent people fight for abundance.

Not valuing wealth,
prevent people from stealing.

Ignoring the desirable
avoid the dispersion of the mind.

So the wisest way to rule is:
not to give too much importance to yourself
or try to overestimate your spirit and virtue;
avoid the excessive pride of their capacities
disproportionate efforts or try to improve.

Let people free of desire and knowledge,
to avoid the pitfalls inherent knowledge.

Governai not doing anything,
and everything is as it should be.

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